A shift from the capitalistic employer-employee paradigm towards a more equitable, cooperative, and empowering economic system based on mutual service agreements, credit systems, and economic commons principles.
Articles by Will Ruddick
- By Will Ruddick
Mombasa Grass - A Grassroots Approach to Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihoods
Explore the environmental and socio-economic impact of Mombasa grass, from improving soil health and erosion control to boosting livestock productivity and fostering green community development.
- By Will Ruddick
Wagur: The Evolution of Reciprocity in Indigenous Societies
“I never thought that I would get an opportunity like this: to be surrounded by so much love and support from my group. Wagur is a practice that I enjoyed as a young lady when I was married into this community." Benter Atieno
- By Will Ruddick
Comunity Inclusion Currencies for Food Security: Impacts of Grassroots Economics and WFP's Game-Changing Approach
Talib Mutogi, the Kitui-East area Chief praised the project, saying, "Mumo vouchers (CIC) have changed the lives of the people in my community. I'm happy to see people meet every week to trade using vouchers, creating trust amongst them. I'm grateful for the project and it's my prayer that it continues for the benefit of this community."
- By Will Ruddick
Family Time Banking & Screen Time
If we think of the household or homestead as a small community – where we all have services we are offering each other – then creating promises toward those offerings (like doing chores) could result in receiving other offerings (like a limited allowance of internet or screen time). This sounds a lot like an economy. The word economy stems from the Greek – household management.
- By Will Ruddick
2022 Recap
This year has been amazing – Rising up out of extreme challenges in 2020 and 2021 - we got our software, legal and implementation streamlined and seeing Community Inclusion Currencies (CICs) rapidly growing.
- By Will Ruddick
Beyond the $ merry-go-round - Traditional Wisdom of Mweria
Mweria is an ancient social contract of mutual aid – there is a debt to be paid by the person receiving the support – which is paid as they help others. It is a beautiful form of reciprocal exchange.
- By Will Ruddick
Why Celo
There is no other EVM chain (on which our software stack is built) that has agreed to let us be part of the infrastructure or has the last mile solutions, community and liquidity Celo offers.
- By Will Ruddick
Connecting and adapting financial instruments to social and bio-regional regeneration
It is wonderful to be among a community of practice that is connecting and adapting financial instruments to social and bio-regional regeneration.
- By Will Ruddick
Credit Extension: With a little help from my friends
A long time ago - before there was ‘money’ in the form of national currencies, there was credit. Specifically promises, commitments, agreements, vouchers, IOUs, and in general trust. These older forms of credit are still all around us! We interact with credit in so many ways in our life – they might as well be the invisible air we are breathing. But once you start learning to spot credit you will seeeeee it everywhere.