Let's get the potlucks started! Here is a short introduction to the methods we use for Community Inclusion Currencies (CICs) potlucks!
Articles by Will Ruddick
- By Will Ruddick
ReCommoning - Chama Cycles for Governance & Debt Reboot
We are learning together about this absolutely virtuous cycle of ReCommoning.
- By Will Ruddick
CIC Training from Response to Recovery
The end effect is that communities have a way to create their own credit systems for supporting themselves responsibly with both social and
- By Will Ruddick
Collateral Bonded Gas for Block Validation
In order to spread adoption of a new economic models that heal economic trauma and use blockchain as a source of truth that connects us...
- By Will Ruddick
COVID-19 Blockchain Crisis Response - CICs at 500% Growth
Since we started using blockchain for CICs in September 2018 we have seen nearly half a million dollars (482k USD) worth of trade via 154k transactions
- By Will Ruddick
Currency 123 (Back, Guarantee, Open)
A Community Inclusion Currency (CIC) is way to transparently establish a credit system to enable local markets to thrive and link...
- By Will Ruddick
Demystifying Currency Creation and Backing
Once upon a time a goat herder counted his herd and found 100 goats (some old and some young). That was a nice surprise. He estimated a...
- By Will Ruddick
Supporting Supply Chains in Crisis
In 30 days we have seen that by injecting a medium of exchange (CICs) nearly 100,000 USD have been traded in over 1,600 daily transactions
- By Will Ruddick
CIC (COVID-19 Crisis) Cash Aid
With unstable food systems and deteriorating markets and supply chains, knowing how to target aid is crucial to providing relief and buildin
- By Will Ruddick
Building a Public Registry for Community Currencies(DeFi)
Even when you have no money you are not poor. Building a Public Registry for Community Currencies.