Even when you have no money you are not poor. Building a Public Registry for Community Currencies.
- By Antony Ngoka
Blockchain Currencies Fighting COVID-19 - Mukuru, Kenya
Giving people a medium of exchange can save lives. With blockchain based Community Inclusion Currencies communities can support...
- By Will Ruddick
CIC Pilot Impacts and Plans
In the last 30 days we have had 3015 users making at least 1 trade. For a volume of 2,336,655 Tokens (~23k USD equivalent of goods and...
- By Will Ruddick
Kenyan Women - Ahead of the IMF
Could the IMF and Commercial banks learn from women in rural Kenya how to create a decentralized and de-risked (transparently 100% backed)
Comparative Analysis of eMoney and Community Currency
This shows us that the presence of Sarafu stabilizes the economic system, working as a buffer in the months when the national currency is sc
- By Will Ruddick
Community Inclusion Currencies are Now Open Source
These may sound like small improvements, but because of them our current, 8000+ and growing, users will be able to trade and create CICs to
- By Will Ruddick
Blockchain Powered Village Checkers Tournament
How do you have a proper checkers tournament when no one can pay the entry fees? Jacob the organizer saw an opportunity. His neighbors in...
- By Will Ruddick
Investment Modelling in Community Inclusion Currencies
While Community Inclusion Currencies (CICs) have been shown to increase local trade they can also be a vehicle for collective share...
- By Will Ruddick
2019 Data Release - 92k Kenyan blockchain translations
With every transaction being logged anonymously on a public blockchain we have unprecedented insight into what living below the poverty...
- By Will Ruddick
Economies into Ecosystems
The reserve behind these tokens, the actual aid funding, was about $2.5k USD).This means that $2,500 USD of Aid funds created 10,000 tokens